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Amala Core Banking 3.5.6 – Release Notes

It’s our pleasure to announce the release of Amala Core Banking 3.5.6 for FinTech, especially in the financial inclusion of the community in Tanzania. Apart from fixing some bugs which were noticed during the past month, we have brought to our customers the following things:

TCDC Reports

In order to provide our clients with well-presented analysis for the decisions as well as complying with the guidelines and policies from financial institutions, In this version, we have continued to improve the TCDC reports for our clients to meet the policies put forward by BoT, TCDC among other government regulators.


In order to ensure easy, simple and quality standards of our client’s work in the system, we have enabled the possibility of undoing a new loan application when an error has been done to it. This will help our client to be able to reverse a mistaken application of loan as well as keeping clean and neat work for the system.

Also, we have allowed the user to skip filling the ready-filled fields while editing the office details. This will simplify the task of editing the office details for our clients. This feature can be accessed by navigating through Admin > Organization > Manage Office > Create Office > Edit office.


In order to ensure that the information entered in the system is valid and correct to the best of our capabilities, we have shifted from the freehand filling of the Loan Category Field to the list dropdown. This will help all users to enter only valid and available Loan Category Fields.


In this version, we have improved the description of the offices to provide the better and standard formality of the information to be exported to outside organizations like TCDC, BoT among other organizations.

Thank you and enjoy using Amala Core Banking.

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