The most joyful season of the year has started!
This is the season of spring, Easter bunnies, April Fool’s Day, national holidays, April showers & rainbows, Amala are close to you, and keep your moment wonderful while reading this beautiful newsletter.
Enjoy your Spring season at your door
SACCOS or Microfinance’s customers do not have to worry, neither about rain nor go physically to the office to pay off their loans, purchase shares, make repayment, or deposit saving as the service is with you.
Subscribe to Amala Yangu and allow your customers to enjoy digitization as they can use their mobile wallet to make transactions: TigoPesa, M-Pesa, Halopesa, Airtel money, and through banking account CRDB and NMB.
Grow digitally
When money realizes it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands” We are here to enable your financial institution to develop, grow and achieve your goals and vision digitally, at the required speed and in an affordable way since we are Responsible, Reliable and Respected.
Click here to read our latest blog on how to enhance your digital experience.
VODACOM Workshop
On April,19th. at Kisenga LAPF International Conference, Kijitonyama, we attended Vodacom workshop themed on mobile-enabled technology for microfinance with the purpose of introducing new mobile solutions, discovering new opportunities, and knowing the needs of microfinance and how technology can address.
We are always available, book a demo to learn more about Amala and go through our blog. Call us for more understanding
Quiz When did George Washington become the first US president? Drop your answer on our website
Thanks for reading.
Contact us:
Singo Africa Limited,
Morogoro Road, Magomeni,
P.O.BOX 78908/14121/ Dar es Salaam Tanzania
info@singo.africa/ huduma@singo.africa
Our Website
www.amala.co.tz/ www.singo.africa / AmalaSoko
Our social media page
Singo Africa, Amala Core Banking, Amalasoko
Singo Africa, Amala Core Banking, Amalasoko
Singo Africa, Amala Core Banking, Amalasoko
Youtube page Amala Core Banking
0766521258/ 0712628896