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Exploring Value added to your Microfinance Business with Digital Technology

Digital technology has emerged as an important driver of innovation, competitiveness and growth in microfinance. By leveraging the nearly ubiquitous growth of mobile phones, digitization can reduce cost, increase efficiency and allow financial service providers to reach new clients.

By developing an inclusive and sustainable digital financial ecosystem through substantial investment, skilled resources, adequate infrastructure, agile processes, and a conducive regulatory environment, it can foster more widespread adoption and usage.

With the emerging trends of the global economic changes today the financial sector is part and parcel to initiate these changes and in any position the financial sector is the primary sector affected by the global economic changes and that is the corner stone to why financial institutions are encouraged with the use of digital technologies (FinTech) in managing their financial operations.

Financial technologies (FinTech) reduce the risk of financial institutions falling to losses. For microfinance institutions, the use of digital channels can mitigate cash risk and increase operational efficiency. Currently microfinance lending models are cash-intensive, and this exposes the institution and customer to cash risk, such as during storage and transit, which incurs additional costs. As such, time that could have been used more productively is spent managing this risk. Through digital technology, clients have the flexibility to repay loans through their mobile phones, avoiding the risks of cash-in-transit.

Amala Core Banking is designed to transform the operations of financial institutions; Microfinance and SACCOS with the determined to Adding Value in their all scope of operations, such as managing loans, shares, savings and client.

Amala Core Banking prioritize the customer desires in serving our esteemed customers. We prefer closely engagement with financial institutions and the regulatory bodies so that our customers do not miss a thing that arise in the sector. We put their requirement first and make sure that in any case we meet their satisfaction.

You can add value today to your microfinance and SACCOS by visiting us; https://amala.co.tz or Dial to our direct calls; +255 76 652 1258.

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